Er bod 121 o farwolaethau swyddogion heddlu Cymraeg wedi’u cofnodi, mae Cymru’n parhau i fod yr unig wlad gartref i beidio cael Cofeb Heddlu Cenedlaethol ei hun. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i weld un yn cael ei wireddu i nodi gwasanaeth ac aberth y rhai bu farw mewn llinell y ddyletswydd
Despite there being 121 recorded Welsh police officer deaths, Wales remains the only home nation not to have its own dedicated National Police Memorial. We are committed to seeing one be realised to mark the service and sacrifice of those who died on and in the line of duty.
2013 – Welsh Police Memorial / Cofeb Heddlu Cymru
Recognising that Wales was the only home nation to not have a dedicated Police memorial the Police Remembrance Trust (then Police Roll of Honour Trust) began to actively pursue the creation of fitting tribute to those police officers who have lost their lives on and in the line of duty in Wales. Gan gydnabod mai Cymru oedd yr unig wlad lle nad oedd cofeb benodol i’r Heddlu, dechreuodd Ymddiriedolaeth Cofio’r Heddlu (Ymddiriedolaeth Rhestr Anrhydedd yr Heddlu ar y pryd) fynd ati’n frwd i greu teyrnged addas i’r swyddogion heddlu hynny sydd wedi colli eu bywydau mewn llinell y ddyletswydd yng Nghymru.
2018 – Chief Constable becomes Patron / Prif Gwnstabl yn dod yn Noddwr
From the proposal in 2013 the concept enjoyed the support of the then Deputy Chief Constable of South Wales Police; in 2018 as Chief Constable of South Wales Police Matt Jukes QPM became a Patron of the charity and reaffirmed his commitment to the Welsh Police Memorial. O’r cynnig yn 2013 cafodd y cysyniad gefnogaeth y Dirprwy Brif Gwnstabl Heddlu De Cymru ar y pryd; yn 2018 fel Prif Gwnstabl Heddlu De Cymru daeth Matt Jukes QPM yn Noddwr yr elusen ac ail-gadarnhaodd ei ymrwymiad i Gofeb Heddlu Cymru.
2019 – Welsh Chief Officer Group / Grŵp Prif Swyddogion Cymru
Significant progress was made when the Welsh Chief Officer Group gave their support for a memorial and the work would be taken forward in conjunction with the Trust. Cafodd cynnydd sylweddol ei wneud pan roddodd Grŵp Prif Swyddogion Cymru eu cefnogaeth i gofeb a byddai’r gwaith yn cael ei symud ymlaen ar y cyd gyda’r Ymddiriedolaeth.
2020 – Cardiff City Council / Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd
It was agreed early on that the memorial would be located in Cardiff, the Capital. Contact was made with Cardiff City Council and a draft proposal for a Welsh National Police Memorial was submitted. In August 2020, it was confirmed that the proposal had been accepted and the project could move to the next stage. In November 2020, Cardiff City Council approved the preferred location of Alexandra Gardens. Cytunwyd yn gynnar i leoli’r gofeb yng Nghaerdydd, y Brifddinas. Cysylltwyd â Chyngor Dinas Caerdydd a chyflwynwyd cynnig drafft ar gyfer Cofeb Heddlu Cenedlaethol Cymru. Ym mis Awst 2020, cadarnhawyd bod y cynnig wedi’i dderbyn a gallai’r prosiect symud i’r cam nesaf. Ym mis Tachwedd 2020, cymeradwyodd Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd y lleoliad dewisol o Gerddi Alexandra.
2021 – Design / Dyluniad
The design of the memorial was opened up to all the University Art Schools in Wales. As a result, the University of Wales Trinity St David, Swansea submitted four designs that were judged by a panel. In October 2021, a winning design was chosen and the team behind it will be invited to work with the architectural practice appointed by the Trust to take the project forward. Agorwyd cynllun y gofeb i holl Ysgolion Celf Prifysgolion Cymru. O ganlyniad, cyflwynodd Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Abertawe bedwar cynllun a gafodd eu beirniadu gan banel. Ym mis Hydref 2021, dewiswyd dyluniad buddugol a bydd y tîm y tu ôl iddo yn cael eu gwahodd i weithio gyda’r practis pensaernïol a benodwyd gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth i symud y prosiect ymlaen.
2023 – Architect appointed / Pensaer wedi’i benodi
In September 2023, the Trust commissioned a local Welsh architect Benjamin Hale, to further develop the design and work closely with Cardiff City Council Planning Department on securing another suitable site and submitting a planning application. Ym mis Medi 2023, comisiynodd yr Ymddiriedolaeth bensaer Cymreig lleol, Benjamin Hale, i ddatblygu’r dyluniad ymhellach a gweithio’n agos gydag Adran Gynllunio Cyngor Dinas Caerdydd i sicrhau safle addas arall a chyflwyno cais cynllunio.