Stephen Kirwan



19 April 1921









Royal Irish Constabulary



Homicide - Shot

Duty Status


On Duty

Roll of Honour Citation

Shot and fatally wounded when he and three other Constables were attacked in Connor’s Public House in Ballyboghill, County Dublin.

Shot and fatally wounded when he and three other Constables were attacked in Connor’s Public House in Ballyboghill, County Dublin. The four officers had entered by the back door but were observed by a group of terrorists at the front of the public house. Using the cover of helping some children move some cows the terrorists made their way to the back of Connor’s. As Sergeant Kirwan left the premises, the gunmen opened fire hitting him in the temple. He fell to the ground but managed to draw his revolver and return fire. Sergeant Kirwan was then hit again, just above the heart, as he lay on the ground, but he managed to struggle to his feet and emptied his revolver at his attackers. The other Constables came to the sergeant’s aid and the gunmen fled. During the attack the leader of the gunmen suffered fatal injuries when he was hit in the side and he died from his wounds that same day.