Patrick McCarthy
1 October 1943
Royal Ulster Constabulary
Homicide - Shot
Duty Status
On Duty
Roll of Honour Citation
Fatally shot while attempting to foil a wages-snatch by armed robbers.
Constable McCarthy was assigned to accompany the clerk and cashier of the Ross’ Spinning Mill, a flax mill in Odessa Street, Belfast. Having accompanied them from a nearby bank to the mill he sat and waited in the gatehouse for them to distribute the wages.
As he did so three men entered the mill and had with them one of the girls who worked in the mill, having taken her hostage as she left for the day. Seeing the armed men enter, Constable McCarthy jumped to his feet and was challenged by one of the men who pointed a pistol at him and told him not to move. Constable McCarthy drew his revolver and the gunman opened fire, hitting the Constable in the chest and seriously wounding him.
The men then fled and despite his injuries Constable McCarthy struggled to his feet and pursued the men into the street but then collapsed. He was rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital, where he later died.
Constable McCarthy, who was soon to retire, was stationed at Springfield Road RUC Station and had served twenty-three years in both the RIC and RUC.
He served in the Irish Guards as a Sergeant during the Great War, seeing action in France and Egypt, and was mentioned in dispatches.
He was survived by his wife and four children.