Let's not Forget
Remembering those who fell throughout history.

Charles William Somes
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
4 September 1845 (32)

Matthew Jeffers
Constable, Constabulary of Ireland
26 June 1845

Thomas Garton
Police Constable, Manchester City Police
9 April 1845 (21)

James Hudson
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
15 March 1845 (37)

John MacLeod
County Inspector, Constabulary of Ireland
29 January 1845 (53)

John Birkmyre
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
21 December 1844 (19)

John Wright
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
21 December 1844 (30)

Richard Fairclough
Police Constable, Liverpool Borough Police
16 December 1844

Uriah Eden
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
20 November 1844 (29)

Samuel Couchman
Police Constable, Dover Borough Police
8 September 1844 (43)

Samuel Russell
Inspector, Midland Railway Police
4 September 1844 (38)

James McFadden
Police Constable, East Suffolk Constabulary
30 July 1844 (27)