Let's not Forget
Remembering those who fell throughout history.

George Clark
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
29 June 1846 (20)

Richard Hobly
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
14 April 1846 (26)

James Hastie
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
7 March 1846 (34)

Richard Pace
Police Constable, Edinburghshire Constabulary
1 March 1846

George Le Cronier
Centenier, Island of Jersey
28 February 1846 (72)

Fitz Henry Parsons
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
9 January 1846 (22)

Police Constable, London & South Western Railway Police
29 December 1845

John Stubbs
Detective Sergeant, Leeds Borough Police
19 November 1845 (40)

Samuel Peters
Police Constable, Metropolitan Police
15 November 1845 (35)

John Barnes
Parish Constable, Parish of Buxhall, Suffolk
8 November 1845 (52)

Samuel Tebbenham
Sergeant, Metropolitan Police
17 September 1845 (47)

Samuel Reed
Police Constable, Warwickshire Constabulary
14 September 1845 (43)