Frederick Paul Mellars
6 January 1907
Police Constable
Metropolitan Police
Duty Status
On Duty
Roll of Honour Citation
Died from heart failure and disease seven months after being severely beaten by a gang while returning home from duty.
While returning to their lodgings from special duty at Epsom on Derby Day, 30th May 1906, PC Mellars and a colleague were attacked by a gang who knocked them down, kicked them and left them insensible in the road, with Frederick bleeding from a wound to the head.
PC Mellars undertook very little duty thereafter and died just over seven months later, on 6th January 1907.
The divisional police surgeon determined that Frederick died from heart failure and other medical issues but could not be sure they were directly attributable to the assault.
PC Mellars was based in Battersea and was attached to ‘V’ Division.