Darren Lee Pike
3 December 2002
Police Constable
City of London Police
Road Traffic Collision (RTC)
Duty Status
On Duty
Roll of Honour Citation
Fatally injured in a road accident while on a police motorcycle training course.
Sustained severe injuries in a road accident on 27 November, while undergoing a police motorcycle training course, when his bike was in collision with a car near Little Gransden, Cambridgeshire, as a result of which he died a week later.
Darren had completed 11 years service since joining Essex Police where he had also been a Police Cadet and a Firearms Officer on the Force Support Unit and received two Commendations. He transferred to the City force early in 2002, based at Bishops Gate Police Station and had recently been appointed to the Traffic Department.
He was survived by his parents and brother, and his daughter.