Alexander Lamond
26 May 1883
Police Constable
Kirkcaldy Burgh Police
Homicide - Beaten
Duty Status
On Duty
Roll of Honour Citation
Around mindnight Constable Lamond and a fellow Constable had casue to deal with a disturnbance at a house at Kirkcaldy Harbour, realising they would require further assistance the Constable with Lamond left to fetch their Sergeant. Whilst Constable Lamon was alone he was repeatedly bludgeoned by three men, including being struck with his own truncheon, and died from skull fractures the next morning.
Died from skull fractures the morning after he was repeatedly bludgeoned by three men, including being struck with his own truncheon, while dealing with a late-night disturbance at a house at Kirkcaldy Harbour.